Table 1

Demographics and clinical data

Patient No Sex/age Agent/eye Key findings Non-ocular injuries Days between injury and AMT Additional procedures Indication for additional procedures Outcome
1Male/45Thermal/LLid burns, 95% conjunctival loss, 360° limbal ischaemia, 100%ED with stromal clouding, no iris details, 2° glaucomanil13Lateral tarsorrhaphy
Vitreous biopsy
Upper lid reconstruction Tectonic PK
Lat tarsorrhaphy
Buccal mucous memb graft to lids
Corneal exposure
To exclude endophthalmitis
Lid necrosis
Corneal perforation Persistent epithelial defect Corneal exposure
Poor lid closure
Lid sparing exenteration
8 months after injury
2aMale/65Alkali/RLid burns, fixed globe, 100% conjunctival loss, 360° limbal ischaemia,100%ED with melting cornea, flat AC, cataractBurns of face, left shoulder and back8Rpt AMT
Lamellar limbal corneal graft with AMT
UL reconstruction
Aspiration of lens matter
Persistent epithelial defect Corneal melt

UL symblepharon
Swollen cataract
Autoevisceration 1 year after injury
2bMale/65Alkali/LLid burns, fixed globe, 100% conjunctival loss, 360º limbal ischaemia,100%ED with melting cornea, flat AC, cataractBurns of face, left shoulder and back8Rpt AMTPersistent epithelial defectAutoevisceration 50 days after injury
3Male/40Acid/RLid burns, 100% conjunctival loss, 360° limbal ischaemia, 100% ED with stromal clouding, cataractBurns of scalp and shoulders19Tenoplasty
Keratolimbal allograft and AMT Living related limbal allograft
LL symblepharon correction Keratolimbal allograft and AMT Tarsorrhaphy and entropion surgery
Lamellar patch corneal graft Large tectonic PK Keratoprosthesis with vitrectomy, RD surgery silicone oil and replacement of graft
Limbal ischaemia
Persistent epithelial defect Persistent epithelial defect Symblepharon and exposure Persistent epithelial defect Entropion and corneal exposure
Corneal perforation
Corneal perforation
Retinal detachment
Phthysis bulbi 2 years after injury
  • ED = epithelial defect; AC = anterior chamber; PK = penetrating keratoplasty; AMT = amniotic membrane transplantation; UL = upper lid; LL = lower lid; RD = retinal detachment.