Table 2

Numbers* of immune cells in VKC specimens (n=11)

Cell typeMean (SD)RangeNo of specimens with detectable expression
VKC = vernal keratoconjunctivitis; PARC = pulmonary and activation regulated chemokine; MDC = macrophage derived chemokine.
*Cells counted in an area of 0.33 × 0.22 mm.
CD3184.1 (55.3)110–28011
PARC 17.0 (10.1)6–3311
MDC 9.5 (9.9)0–309
I-309 4.3 (7.9)0–216
CCR4 2.8 (5.7)0–163
CD25 46.2 (27.9)12–9011
CD26 30.7 (16.0)14–4211
CD62L 20.1 (8.6)5–3511
CD71 7.8 (7.7)0–187
CD30 6.5 (4.0)3–1511