Table 5

Effect size* of individual questions in the VF-14

Preoperative4 months
FunctionMean (SD)Mean (SD)ChangeEffect size
*Effect size is the mean change in the value divided by the standard deviation of values at baseline.
Reading small print1.89 (1.33)3.22 (1.15)1.331.00
Reading the newspaper2.59 (1.34)3.74 (0.77)1.150.86
Reading large print3.78 (0.77)3.96 (0.34)0.180.23
Recognising people3.81 (0.66)3.95 (0.46)0.140.21
Seeing steps or curbs3.39 (1.38)3.84 (0.52)0.450.33
Seeing signs3.12 (1.21)3.84 (0.60)0.720.60
Doing fine handwork2.40 (1.47)3.74 (0.85)1.340.91
Writing checks3.50 (1.04)3.92 (0.42)0.470.45
Playing games3.59 (0.91)3.97 (0.26)0.380.42
Playing sports3.38 (1.15)3.86 (0.84)0.480.42
Cooking3.79 (0.68)3.97 (0.25)0.180.26
Watching TV3.44 (0.95)3.93 (0.37)0.490.52
Daytime driving3.11 (1.16)3.84 (0.63)0.730.63
Night driving1.33 (1.40)2.35 (1.78)1.020.73