Table 1

Pericyte coverage index (PCI; %) of pathological corneal blood vessels in vascularised human corneas with different duration of corneal neovascularisation (CN) as detected using electron microscopy (n=15)

Electron microscopy
Corneal diseaseDuration of CN (months)*PCI of capillaries (n)†PCI of precapillary and postcapillary vessels (n)†PCI of all vessels (n)†
*CN = pathological corneal neovascularisation; †percentage of vessels with pericyte coverage (in parentheses the number of vessels analysed for this cornea is given); ‡not unequivocally detectable; §corneas with clinically ongoing angiogenesis.
Bullous keratopathy–‡50 (8)82 (11)68 (19)
Trauma0.588 (8)81 (21)83 (29)
Ocular pemphigoid3100 (2)100 (2)
Peripheral ulcer in PCP327 (11)82 (17)61 (28)
Transplant insufficiency3100 (3)100 (7)100 (10)
Transplant insufficiency11100 (2)100 (3)100 (5)
Transplant insufficiency§36100 (2)95 (19)95 (21)
Transplant insufficiency§6050 (2)100 (9)91 (11)
Herpetic keratitis60100 (2)100 (9)100 (11)
Herpetic keratitis§60100 (5)83 (6)91 (11)
Herpetic keratitis§7283 (6)100 (1)86 (7)
Herpetic keratitis72100 (8)100 (5)100 (13)
Herpetic keratitis96
Aniridia204100 (14)100 (8)100 (22)
Herpetic keratitis360100 (2)100 (5)100 (7)
Mean (SD)73 (95)91 (13) (196)