Table 1

Summary of studies that responded to the request for data

StudyCountryStudy datesRange of age groups for which data was providedNumber of malesNumber of femalesTotal study number
†Data on visual impairment caused by AMD only.
Beaver Dam Eye Study28USA1987 to 1988<50 to 89 years215727404897
Blue Mountains Eye Study32Australia1992 to 1994<50 to ≥90 years158220723654
Copenhagen City Eye Study29,30Denmark1986 to 198860 to 79 years464482946
†North London Eye Study14UK1995 to 199665 to ≥90 years6239241547
Rotterdam Study31Holland1990 to 199355 to ≥90 years261338056418
Melbourne Visual Impairment Project22,33,34Australia1993 to 1996<50 to ≥90 years221225324744