Table 1

Cataract blindness burden and surgical coverage among subjects aged ≥50 years, by sex

Cataract blindness burdenSurgical coverage
Males No (%)Females No (%)Males No (%, 95% CI)Females No (%, 95% CI)
*Details of education were not available for 5 males and 1 female.
Cataract blindness burden = (never operated cataract blind + already operated presumed bilateral blind)
Surgical coverage = (operated cataract blind/(operated + unoperated cataract blind))
Age (years)
    50–59111 (3.6) 248 (6.1) 81 (73.0, 63.7 to 81.0)151 (60.9, 54.5 to 67.0)
    60–69257 (11.1) 414 (15.3)186 (72.4, 66.5 to 77.7)266 (64.3, 59.4 to 68.9)
    ≥70367 (25.3) 554 (34.8)280 (76.3, 71.6 to 80.5)319 (57.6, 53.3 to 61.7)
    Literate415 (9.5) 245 (10.0)339 (81.7, 77.6 to 81.3)204 (83.3, 78.0 to 87.7)
    Illiterate320 (12.9) 971 (16.3)208 (65.0, 59.5 to 70.2)532 (54.8, 51.6 to 57.9)
    Urban158 (12.0) 284 (18.2)135 (85.4, 79.0 to 90.5)214 (75.3, 69.9 to 80.2)
    Rural577 (10.4) 932 (13.6)412 (71.4, 67.5 to 75.1)522 (56.0, 52.7 to 59.2)
    Total735 (10.7)1216 (14.5)547 (74.4, 71.1 to 77.5)736 (60.5, 57.7 to 63.3)