Table 3

Means of static contrast sensitivity at 3, 6, 12, and 18 cycles per degree (cpd) at baseline and after treatment

Brinzolamide treatment showed no change in contrast sensitivity (ANOVA for repeated measures), in placebo group contrast sensitivity at 3 cpd was significantly higher after treatment.
*p<0.05 (Bonferroni-Dunn).
3 cpd1.85 (0.10)1.81 (0.13)1.78 (0.17)1.85 (0.13)*
6 cpd1.93 (0.47)2.04 (0.18)2.06 (0.18)2.07 (0.17)
12 cpd1.76 (0.18)1.82 (0.17)1.75 (0.33)1.85 (0.21)
18 cpd1.34 (0.20)1.35 (0.12)1.33 (0.22)1.34 (0.18)