Table 1

Clinical profile of the control group, non-DR group, and PDR group

Control groupNon-DR groupPDR groupp Value
Number of patients or mean (SD).
NS  =  not significant.
The age was compared between each group.
*Comparisons between the non-DR group and the PDR group by unpaired t test.
**Comparisons between the non-DR group and the PDR group χ2 test of independence or Fisher’s exact probability test.
†Age at the time of this study.
¶Average value over 10 years.
Number of patients504544
Age (years)†27.4 (2.7)27.8 (2.8)29.2 (4.1)NS
Age at the diagnosis of diabetes (years)16.5 (4.3)16.7 (3.7)NS*
Age at the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy (years)21.6 (4.5)
Age at the time of vitreous surgery (years)28.8 (4.4)
HbA1C (%)7.7 (1.6)7.9 (1.9)NS*
Hypertension (%)0(0.0%)3(6.7%)4(8.3%)NS**
Renal disease (%)0(0.0%)6(13.3%)15(34.1%).0021**
Neurophysiological neuropathy (%)0(0.0%)9(20.0%)18(40.9%).032**
Positive family history (%)0(0.0%)15(33.3%)19(43.1%)NS**