Table 2

Summary of psychophysical findings

CaseAge (years)HRRD-15Mollon-Reffin “minimal” testAnomaloscopeCambridge computerised colour test
1A8All correctNormalSlight elevation of discrimination threshold along deutan axisNormal rangeSlight elevation of discrimination thresholds along all three colour axes
2A6All correctNormalSlight elevation of discrimination threshold along deutan axisNormal rangeSlight elevation of discrimination thresholds along all three colour axes
3B8All correctSlight elevation of discrimination thresholds along protan and deutan axesNormal rangeSlight elevation of discrimination thresholds along all three colour axes
4C14All correctNormalNormalNormal rangeWithin the normal range along all three axes
5C62 plates incorrect2 minor transpositionsNormalNormal rangeSlight elevation of discrimination thresholds along all three colour axes
6D81 plate incorrect2 minor transpositionsNormalNormal rangeSlight elevation of discrimination thresholds along all three colour axes