Table 4

 Visually significant potentially confounding variables 2 years after cataract surgery in the 2 year follow up subgroup (n = 98 eyes of 97 subjects)

AMD  =  age related macular degeneration; BRVO  =  branch retinal vein occlusion; CRVO  =  central retinal vein occlusion; IOL  =  intraocular lens; PCO  =  posterior capsule opacification; PRP  =  panretinal photocoagulation; RPE  =  retinal pigment epithelium.
ConjunctivaPterygium onto cornea55.1
CorneaBand keratopathy11.0
PCOAll grades2020.4
Currently visually significant00.0
Previous Nd:YAG posterior capsulotomy33.1
Epiretinal membrane11.0
Optic nervePathological cupping ± pallor88.2
OtherChorioretinal atrophy/scar (peripheral)44.1
Extensive PRP11.0
RPE detachment11.0
Subretinal fibrosis11.0
Vitreal haemorrhage11.0