Table 1 Distribution of age and gender in different groups according to nuclear opacity grading score using Lens Opacities Classification System III
Groups according to nuclear opacity grading score with Lens Opacities Classification System III (eyes)
CharacteristicsPatients0.1–0.91.0–1.92.0–2.93.0–3.94.0–4.95.0–5.96.0–6.9p Value
Age (years)
    Mean (SD) (years)69.60 (8.48)68.40 (9.07)68.65 (8.10)73.23 (7.32)71.90 (7.63)69.00 (7.64)67.77 (8.98)68.50 (8.74)0.087*
  • *p Value calculated using one-way ANOVA analysis.

  • †p Value calculated using chi square analysis.