Table 1 Quantification of the central retinal layers
Total (μm)NFL (μm)GCL (μm)IPL (μm)INL (rows)OPL (μm)ONL (rows)PR-IS (μm)PR-OS (μm)
OD, mean (SD)223 (7)8.5 (2.9)12.6 (2.4)67 (7)5.2 (0.4)6.4 (0.9)9.8 (0.4)17 (3)26 (3)
OS, mean (SD)216 (8)8.9 (1.4)13.2 (2.5)64 (4)5.2 (0.4)7.5 (0.9)9.8 (0.4)15 (3)24 (2)
  • Quantification of the central retina in Brilliant Blue G (OS) and BSS (OD, control) injected eyes.

  • GCL, ganglion-cell layer; INL, inner nuclear layer; IPL, inner plexiform layer; NFL, nerve-fibre layer; ONL, outer nuclear layer; OPL, outer plexiform layer; PR-IS, photo receptor inner segment; PR-OS, photoreceptor outer segment; Total, whole thickness.