Table 1 Summary of the number of patients included in each genetic subtype, the age range, and the number and percentage of patients with cystoid macular oedema (CMO) in each group
Genetic typePatients included (n)Age range (years)Patients with CMO in both eyesPatients with CMO in at least one eye
n (%)n (%)
AD3112–7112 (39)16 (52)
AR1812–674 (22)7 (39)
Isolated398–6711 (28)15 (39)
X linked99–650 (0)0 (0)
Usher II239–536 (26)8 (35)
Unknown414–521 (25)1 (25)
Total1248–7134 (27)47 (38)
  • AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive.