Table 1

Criteria used to guide clinician in decision regarding re-treatment

Consider re-treatmentConsider no treatment
Patient symptomsWorseBetter/no change
BCVABetween 5 and19 letter loss from previous visit<5 letter loss from previous visit or ≥30 letters lost from baseline
Fresh haemorrhagePresent
Subretinal fluidPresentAbsent or persistent but unresponsive to previous treatments
Intraretinal fluidPresent and worsening with drop in BCVAAbsent
Structural damage on OCTPresent
Fibrosis>75% of the lesion and involving the fovea
FAExtension and/or leakage
Serious adverse eventsPresent
  • BCVA, best corrected visual acuity; FA, fluorescein angiogram; OCT, optical coherence tomography.