Table 3

Changes registered during the 2-year study of functional and structural parameters in MS patients with a previous episode of optic neuritis (ON-MS) or without (NON-MS)

ON antecedentDisease duration
NON-MSON-MSp≤10 years>10 yearsp
Functional parameters
 VA (LogMAR)−0.02−0.030.837−0.03−0.100.574
 Ishihara test−0.550.6800.1810.02−0.820.384
 Visual field, MD (dB)0.700.230.3260.720.240.290
 Latency (ms)2.00−5.360.0062.05−1.130.006
 Amplitude (μV)−0.17−0.380.787−0.420.320.333
OCT parameters
 Average RNFL Th (μm)−5.28−5.420.952−6.56−2.610.025
 Superior RNFL Th (μm)−4.17−4.480.934−5.27−1.970.350
 Nasal RNFL Th (μm)−4.25−3.000.704−5.04−1.410.242
 Inferior RNFL Th (μm)−5.75−8.850.436−7.07−5.410.660
 Temporal RNFL Th (μm)−7.10−2.630.212−7.62−2.160.108
 Macular volume (mm3)−6.80−0.200.410−7.36−0.020.035
 Macular average Th (μm)−13.45−9.980.345−15.87−8.760.123
GDx parameters
 TSNIT average (μm)2.671.590.7322.004.040.483
 Superior average (μm)0.102.810.3340.281.670.594
 Inferior average (μm)0.18−0.020.948−1.144.480.045
 TSNIT SD (μm)−2.14−0.680.611−2.540.420.262
  • Changes found during the study of functional and structural parameters in MS patients with disease duration less than and more than 10 years. A value of p≤0.05 was considered to indicate statistical significance between the changes for both groups and these significant p values are marked with bold italic form in the table.

  • EDSS, Expanded Disability Status Scale; GDx, scanning laser ophthalmoscopy; MAR, minimum angle of resolution; MD, mean deviation; MS, multiple sclerosis; NFI, nerve fibre indicator; OCT, optical coherence tomography; RNFL, retinal nerve fibre layer; Th, thickness; TSNIT, temporal-superior-nasal-inferior-temporal; VA, visual acuity; VEP, visual evoked potential.