Table 3

Number of people visually impaired and corresponding percentage of the global impairment by WHO region and country, 2010

WHO regionTotal population (millions)BlindnessLow visionVisual impairment
No in millions (%)No in millions (%)No in millions (%)
African region804.9 (11.9)5.888 (15)20.407 (8.3)26.295 (9.2)
Region of the Americas915.4 (13.6)3.211 (8)23.401 (9.5)26.612 (9.3)
Eastern Mediterranean region580.2 (8.6)4.918 (12.5)18.581 (7.6)23.499 (8.2)
European region889.2 (13.2)2.713 (7)25.502 (10.4)28.215 (9.9)
South-east Asian region (India excluded)579.1 (8.6)3.974 (10.1)23.938 (9.7)27.913 (9.8)
Western Pacific region (China excluded)442.3 (6.6)2.338 (6)12.386 (5)14.724 (5.2)
India1181.4 (17.5)8.075 (20.5)54.544 (22.2)62.619 (21.9)
China1344.9 (20)8.248 (20.9)67.264 (27.3)75.512 (26.5)
World6737.5 (100)39.365 (100)246.024 (100)285.389 (100)