Table 2

Visual outcomes following intraophthalmic artery melphalan for retinoblastoma: Dose, complications and results

Patient numberDose and (number of IAM treatments)Revised dose according to age21 (months)Catheterisation complicationsTumour controlledChoroidal ischaemia/Retinal detachmentVisual function deterioration
15 mg (2)4 mg (15)During 1st infusion technical difficulties due to unfavourable anatomyYesYesYes
25 mg (2)4 mg (24)During 2nd infusion transient oxygen desaturation following heparinYesYesYes
35 mg (2)3 mg (11)NoneYesYesNo
45 mg (2)4 mg (24)During 2nd infusion transient hypotensive event following heparin+contrastYesNoNo
55 mg (2)3 mg (11)During 1st infusion technical difficulties due to unfavourable anatomyYesYesYes
65 mg (2)4 mg (24)During 2nd infusion transient hypotensive event following contrastYesNoNo
75 mg (1)3 mg (11)NoneYesYesNo
85mg+7.5mg* (5)5 mg (40)During 4th dose vasospasm of ophthalmic artery due to manipulationPartial (peripheral relapse)YesYes
95mg+7.5mg** (3)5 mg (82)NoneYesYesYes
103 mg (2)3 mg (9)NoneYesNoNo
115 mg (3)3 mg (11)During 3rd dose transient fall in tidal volume, BP and heart rate due to manipulationPartial (edge relapse)YesNo
125 mg (3)5 mg (73)During 2nd and 3rd doses transient fall in tidal volume, BP due to manipulationPartial (vitreous seeds)NoNo
  • Bold text shows severe complications. IAM, intra-arterial melphalan.