Table 1

The number (N) and age-sex distribution of the people who entered the primary open angle glaucoma (POAG)* cohort, the Alzheimer's disease (AD)† cohort, the vascular dementia‡ cohort, and the reference cohort

AgePOAG cohortAD cohortVascular dementia cohortReference cohort
N(% of total)% femaleNN(% of total)% female(% of total)% femaleN(% of total)% female
55–593116(3.6)44.421271037(0.5)33.3(0.8)54.2481 856(19.0)49.2
60–645148(5.9)46.644442839(1.3)35.3(1.8)52.7484 001(19.1)47.6
65–698308(9.5)48.592247682(3.5)38.4(3.7)54.4448 135(17.7)47.7
70–7413 082(14.9)50.422 32518 698(8.6)43.7(8.9)56.8412 589(16.3)48.8
75–7919 199(21.9)52.548 29539 786(18.3)49.5(19.2)60.2346 924(13.7)50.7
80–8420 061(22.9)56.268 02958 187(26.8)56.2(27)64.6218 801(8.6)53.7
85+18 744(21.4)62.397 25989 073(41)66.0(38.6)71.0143 166(5.6)60.0
Total87 658(100)54.1251 703217 302(100)56.9(100)64.92 535 472(100)49.8
  • *ICD10 code H40.1.

  • †ICD10 codes F00, G30.

  • ‡ICD10 code F01.

  • ICD10, International Classification of Diseases Revision 10.