Table 2

Demographic and ocular characteristics of participants in both baseline and 4-year examinations

mean (SD)
4-year follow-up
mean (SD)
Mean difference (SD)
percentage change (SD)
p Value
Age (years)60.02 (6.42)
 Male91 (44.6%)
 Female113 (55.4%)
 Chinese179 (87.7%)
 Non-Chinese25 (12.3%)
Clinical measurements
 AxL (mm)24.04 (1.25)23.88 (1.26)0.16 (0.32)0.66 (1.3)<0.001
 ACD (mm)3.17 (0.3)2.99 (0.33)0.19 (0.26)5.6 (8.6)<0.001
 IOP (mm Hg)14.8 (2.24)14.9 (2.98)−0.07 (3.51)−2.5 (25)0.775
 CDR0.41 (0.11)0.47 (0.14)−0.05 (0.14)−16.9 (39)<0.001
AS-OCT measurements
 ACA (mm2)20.75 (2.99)19.99 (2.93)0.76 (0.78)3.63 (3.7)<0.001
 ACV (mm3)139.7 (25.79)132.62 (24.63)7.15 (7.56)4.99 (5.2)<0.001
 LV (µm)398.97 (258.7)463.07 (265.36)−0.64 (132.89)−34.27 (137.5)<0.001
 PD (mm)4.29 (0.79)4.24 (0.9)0.05 (0.67)0.37 (17.3)0.286
Nasal quadrant
 AOD500 (mm)0.25 (0.12)0.22 (0.13)0.02 (0.08)4.4 (56.8)<0.001
 AOD750 (mm)0.35 (0.16)0.32 (0.16)0.03 (0.08)−0.72 (86.4)<0.001
 TISA500 (mm2)0.09 (0.04)0.09 (0.04)0.003 (0.03)−5.9 (60)<0.001
 TISA750 (mm2)0.18 (0.08)0.17 (0.08)0.009 (0.05)−0.25 (45.4)0.013
 IT2000 (mm)0.50 (0.08)0.49 (0.08)0.008 (0.05)1.06 (11.9)0.043
 IAREA (mm2)1.57 (0.25)1.53 (0.26)0.04 (0.22)1.9 (15)0.006
 ICURV (mm)0.258 (0.11)0.257 (0.11)0.001 (0.12)0.14 (94.2)0.924
Temporal quadrant
 AOD500 (mm)0.28 (0.14)0.24 (0.12)0.003 (0.04)4.65 (53.3)<0.001
 AOD750 (mm)0.38 (0.18)0.35 (0.16)0.03 (0.11)1.08 (41.9)<0.001
 TISA500 (mm2)0.110 (0.05)0.107 (0.05)0.003 (0.04)−8.89 (69.4)0.030
 TISA750 (mm2)0.20 (0.09)0.19 (0.08)0.01 (0.06)−1.34 (39.6)0.020
 IT2000 (mm)0.45 (0.08)0.44 (0.09)0.01 (0.07)2.26 (15.3)0.003
 IAREA (mm2)1.61 (0.25)1.54 (0.30)0.07 (0.24)4.12 (14.6)<0.001
 ICURV (mm)0.28 (0.18)0.31 (0.13)0.03 (0.17)−9.05 (54.5)0.024
  • Significant difference noted as p<0.05.

  • ACA, anterior chamber area; ACD, anterior chamber depth; ACV, anterior chamber volume; AOD, angle opening distance; AS-OCT, anterior segment optical coherence tomography; AxL, axial length; CDR, cup:disc ratio; IAREA, iris area; ICURV, iris curvature; IOP, intraocular pressure; IT, iris thickness; LV, lens vault; PD, pupil diameter; TISA, trabecular iris space area.