Table 1

Baseline characteristics of patients with ocular syphilis

Age at presentation
 Mean±SD43.7±14.0 years
 Median41 years
 Range24–81 years
Gender, n (%)
 Male23 (92.0)p<0.001*
 Female2 (8.0)
Laterality, n (%)
 Unilateral13 (52.0)
 Bilateral12 (48.0)
Country of origin, n (%)
 Australia9 (36.0)
 Other14 (56.0)
 Unknown2 (8.0)
Sexual orientation, n (%)
 Heterosexual12 (48.0)
 MSM8 (32.0)
 Unknown5 (20.0)
Hospital admission, n
 Length of stay, median15.0 days
HIV status, n (%)
 Positive8 (32.0)
 Negative12 (48.0)
 Unknown5 (20.0)
HIV diagnosis, n
 Newly diagnosed3
 Diagnosed within 5 years1
 Diagnosed >5 years4
HIV treatment, n
 HAART at presentation2
 Commenced on HAART2
CD4 count in HIV positive cases at presentation, cells/mm3 (six HIV positive cases had CD4 count recorded)
Syphilis stage†, n (%)
 Primary0 (0)
 Secondary0 (0)
 Early latent2 (8.0)
 Late latent6 (24.0)
 Unknown latent11 (44.0)
 Neurosyphilis6 (24.0)
Systemic syphilis diagnosis, n (%)
 Syphilitic uveitis prompting new systemic syphilis diagnosis21 (84.0)
 Previous diagnosis of syphilis, presenting with uveitis4 (16.0)
  • HAART, highly active antiretroviral therapy; MSM, men who have sex with men; n, number.

  • 2 test of significance.

  • †Syphilis stage classified according to the Centers for Disease Control case definitions 2012.14