Table 2

Clinical data of patients who underwent simple limbal epithelial transplantation (SLET)

CasePre-op (SLET) BCVASymblepharon (quadrants)Conjunctivalisation (cumulative in degrees)Injury–SLET durationComplete epithelialisation during the acute phase—SLET durationConformer/FFSPED after SLETFollow-up (months)Final outcomeFinal BCVAStatus at final follow-up
1PR43606 months3 monthsYes/superior and inferiorNo60Partial success; focal recurrence6/36Amblyopia, stable surface, corneal scar
Not improving with RGPs
2FFL43606 months2 monthsYes/superiorNo52Partial success; focal recurrence6/36Amblyopia, stable surface, corneal scar
Not improving with RGPs
3PLPR43608 months5 monthsYes/nilNo19Partial success; focal recurrenceCFCFStable surface, scar-awaiting PKP
4HMPR23604.5 months3 monthsNo/nilNo12Success6/18Stable surface, central corneal scar
  • BCVA, best corrected visual acuity; CFCF, counting fingers close to face; FFL, following and fixating light; FFS, fornix formation sutures; HMPR, hand motions, accurate projection of rays; PED, persistent epithelial defect; PKP, penetrating keratoplasty; PL, perception of light; PR, projection of rays; RGP, rigid gas permeable lens.