Table 1

Patient characteristics for year 1 and year 2 completers according to number of ranibizumab injections received during year 1 (<5, 5–7, >7 injections) and over the 2-year period (<10, 10–14, >14 injections)

Year 1Year 2
Patients, n71462136016956972981891184
Age at start of therapy (%),§
 <65 years8698†85107*
 ≥65–<75 years20262924†21273024*
 ≥75 years70666067†70665867*
Age (years), mean77.476.976.076.9*77.377.275.677*
Sex, %
Reimbursement type (%),§,¶
 National standard67728573‡70788875‡
 Separate contract3001‡2101‡
Baseline visual acuity score, mean58.35754.156.9†57.758.55357.2†
  • *p<0.05; †p<0.01; ‡p<0.001 between groups (p value was derived from analysis of variance for continuous variables and χ2 test for categorical variables).

  • §Data missing for some patients.

  • Reimbursement granted for patient independently of how often treatment was provided.