Table 2

Partial Etas (η2) for interaction effects of the possible explanatory variables in mixed ANOVA models for threefold measurements during aphakia with OVD (N=30)

Test of within subjects (main effect of measurement and interaction effects)
 Repeated measures0.0070.0250.0340.0190.034
 Repeated measures* low spherical error0.0280.0110.0220.0090.005
 Repeated measures* high spherical error0.0560.12
 Repeated measures* low vs high cylinder0.013
 Repeated measures* CDVA (<0.1/0.1–0.2/>0.2)0.0210.0450.0660.040.013
 Repeated measures* age (≤59/60–69/≥70)0.0480.0840.0180.0810.025
  • Differences between repeated measurements could not be explained by varying refractive state, preoperative visual acuity or age.

  • Partial Eta squared is calculated as follows: effect/(effect+error);

  • *Describes the analysed interaction, low spherical error defined as −2 D to +2 D and high spherical error as ≤2D and >2D, low versus high cylinder defined as >−1.5 D and <−1.5 D, respectively, CDVA (logMAR). All reported results not significant.

  • ANOVA, analysis of variance; CDVA, corrected distance visual acuity; J0, J45, Jackson cross-cylinder at 0° and 45°; OVD, ophthalmic viscosurgical device; SE, spherical equivalent.