Table 1

Baseline characteristics and consolidation/salvage treatment after first-line intra-arterial or intravenous chemotherapy

Number of eyes2523
Number of cycles/injections2.7±0.53.0±0.8
Age (months) at first cycle/injection33.3±25.919.2±15.20.01*
Baseline characteristics
Retinal detachment (n)9110.56†
 Total retinal detachment58
 Partial retinal detachment32
 Peritumoral retinal detachment11
Subretinal seeding9100.77†
Vitreous seeding (No. of eyes)20140.21†
Consolidation treatment (No. of eyes)
 CTT±focal CTP09
 CTT+IViC±focal CTP01
 CTT+PBT±focal CTP01
 PBT±focal CTP02
 Focal CTP only55
 IViC±focal CTP90
 IViC+POC±focal CTP30
 POC±focal CTP30
Relapse (No. of eyes)6 (24%)12 (52%)0.07†
 Mean number of relapses1.3 ±0.83.3±1.60.01*
 Months to first relapse6.3±2.58.5±3.80.61*
 At primary tumour site (n)08
 Subretinal seeding (n)27
 Vitreous seeding (n)44
Salvage treatment (No. of eyes)6120.07†
 CTT+PBT±focal CTP01
 PBT±focal CTP03
 POC±focal CTP01
 IViC+POC±focal CTP01
 IViC+POC+PBT±focal CTP01
 IViC±focal CTP30
 IViC+PBT±focal CTP10
 Focal CTP only15
 IAC (repeat)+IViC+focal CTP10
Enucleated eyes (n)010 (43%)<0.001†
 Progressive disease9
 Phthisis bulbi1
Time to complete response
 Retained eyes6.7±3.014.2±6.5<0.001*
Globe survival from first cycle/injection (months)33.0± 17.762.7± 55.7
 Enucleated eyes16.5 (0.8–48.4)
 Retained eyes33.0± 17.791.4±54.3
Event-free interval for retained eyes (months)28.2 (3.5–67.9)78.5 (4.7–203.4)
Patient survival33.3 (9.1–75.1)100.5 (19.3–218.6)
Final visual acuity logMAR (median and IQR)0.7 [0.2–1.0]1.4 [1.2–2.0]0.01
  • *Mann-Whitney U test.

  • †Fisher's exact test.

  • CTT, chemothermotherapy; focal CTP, cryocoagulation±thermotherapy±photocoagulation; IAC, intra-arterial chemotherapy; IVC, intravenous chemotherapy; IViC, intravitreal chemotherapy; logMAR, logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution; PBT, plaque brachytherapy; POC, periocular chemotherapy.