Table 1

Study characteristics

ROP-treatedĀ Median (Mean) SDComparison infantsĀ Median (Mean) SD
Gestational age at birth (days)183 (186) 12.6190 (191) 12.2
Birth weight (g)778 (848) 215940 (998) 302
Regain of birth weight (postnatal days)11 (11) 512 (12) 4.9
Head circumference (cm)*23.8 (24.0) 1.924.8 (25.0) 2.0
Birth length (cm)34 (34.8) 3.236.0 (36.0) 3.6
n (%)n (%)
Small for gestational age37/106 (34.9)37/203 (18.2)
Males62/106 (58.5)93/204 (45.6)
Multiple births45/106 (42.5)74/204 (36.3)
Death (<3 postnatal month of life)1/106 (0.01)0/204 (0.0)
  • *Head circumference was measured during the first postnatal week. When two values existed, a mean was calculated.