MeasureVLBWControlsP value
<1000 g 
≥1000 g 
(C)  VLBW by birth weight <1000 g vs controls
Visual acuity (better eye)
 Mean (SD) logMAR score*0.018 
 % logMAR>042.229.1130.001
 % logMAR>0.315.64.200.001
Autorefraction (better eye)*
 % myopia (≥0.5 D)47.551.244NS
 % myopia (>2.0 D)18.011.612NS
 % myopia (>5.0 D)8.21.810.02
 % hypermetropia (>2.0 D)1.61.82NS
 % astigmatism (>2.0 D)4.96.71NS
Contrast sensitivity (better eye)
 Mean (SD) sensitivity*1.75 
% Abnormal eye photo*†
% Visual impairment (moderate)‡32.818.8140.01
% Wear glasses26.624.230NS
  • *Excludes three ROP adults, two with some light perception and one with none.

  • †Excludes 38 VLBW and 5 controls unable to obtain acceptable eye photo due to problems with pupil dilation, eye movement or other factors.

  • ‡Any of visual acuity >0.3 LogMAR, myopia >2 D, hypermetropia >2 D or astigmatism >2 D in the better eye.

  • LogMAR, logarithm of the minimum angle of resolution; ROP, retinopathy for prematurity; VLBW, very low birthweight.