Table 3

Comparison of laboratory findings in the patients with MOG-ON and AQP4-ON

Number of patients, n2045
Coexisting autoimmunity, no. (%)0/20, 019/45, 42.20.001*
ANA0/20, 016/45, 35.60.006*
Anti-SSA0/20, 010/45, 22.20.055*
Anti-SSB0/20, 04/45, 8.90.414*
HLA-B270/20, 04/45, 8.90.414*
Thyroperoxidase and thyroglobulin antibodies0/20, 03/45, 6.70.547†
CSF analysis
White cell count elevated1/20, 55/45, 11.10.748*
Protein elevated0/20, 03/45, 6.70.547†
IgG level elevated0/20, 02/45, 4.4>0.999†
OCB positive1/20, 50/45, 00.308†
  • *Pearson χ2 test.

  • †Fisher’s exact test.

  • ‡Independent t-test.

  • ANA, antinuclear antibodies; anti-SSA, anti-Sjögren syndrome A antibodies; anti-SSB, anti-Sjögren syndrome B antibodies; AQP4-ON, aquaporin-4 antibody-associated ON; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; HLA-B27, histocompatibility complex-B27; MOG-ON, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein antibody-associated ON; OCB, oligoclonal band; ON, optic neuritis.