Table 2

Studies evaluating real-time PCR assays for detection of Toxoplasma gondii DNA in intraocular samples using the B1 gene and Rep529 targets

AuthorYearCountrySingle-reactionInternally controlledSample sizeType of fluidSensitivity n/N (%)Specificity
Reference test
Cassaing152006FranceNoNo3AH:33/3 (100%)3/3 (100%)NANARep529 real-time PCR
Fekkar et al102008FranceNoYes110AH:92; VF: 189/34 (26.5%)13/34 (38.2%)76/76 (100%)76/76 (100%)Ophthalmological examination
Belaz et al132015FranceNoYes6AH:5;
5/6 (83.3%)6/6 (100%)NANAWestern blot
Santos et al162015BrazilNoYes43AH:4316/43 (100%)16/43 (100%)NANAFundoscopic examination compatible with active focal necrotizing retinochoroiditis
GomezCRUSAYesYes148AH:16; VF:13235*/36 (97.2%)35*/36 (97.2%)112/112 (100%)111*/112 (99%)Conventional nested B1 PCR
  • *There were two discrepant samples; one dual-target negative, nested B1 positive, and the other dual-target positive (Rep529 only; Ct value=39.14), nested B1 negative. Reference testing at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation Toxoplasmosis Serology Laboratory revealed that both specimens were negative for T. gondii DNA using B1 real-time PCR.

  • AH, aqueous humour; CR, current report; NA, not available; VF, vitreous fluid.