Table 4

Reprocedures for early and late complications in both AADI and AGV groups

Hyphaema drainage1 (1.9%)1 (2.8%)
AC reformation1 (1.9%)
Repositioning of tube1 (1.9%)
AV for tube blockage1 (2.8%)
Choroidal drainage2 (5.6%)
Conjunctival autograft for non-healing conjunctiva2 (3.8%)
Conjunctival autograft, Choroidal drainage2 (3.8%)
RD surgery1 (2.8%)
IZHV for aqueous misdirection1 (2.8%)
Tube trimming/extender for retracted tube1 (1.9%)1 (2.8%)
Lysis of ligature (Laser+surgery)4+2 (11.4%)
Corneal graft2
Total16 (30.7%)7 (19.4%)
  • AADI, Aurolab aqueous drainage implant; AC, anterior chamber; AGV, Ahmed glaucoma valve; AV, anterior vitrectomy; RD, retinal detachment; IZHV, irido-zonulo-hyaloido-vitrectomy.