Table 3

Annual incidence rates of serious and non-serious systemic drug-related AEs and AEs of special interest (Safety set*)

Incidence rate15-day risk period30-day risk period
Number of eventsPatient-time-at risk, yearsValue
(95% CI)
Number of eventsPatient-time-at risk, yearsValue
(95% CI)
Drug-related AEs
 Overall2224.14240.0089 (0 to 0.0213)3415.17320.0071 (0 to 0.0154)
 Unilaterally2181.02120.0110 (0 to 0.0264)3352.56950.0085 (0 to 0.0181)
 Bilaterally043.12110 (0 to 0)062.60370 (0 to 0)
AEs of special interest
 Overall3224.14240.0134 (0 to 0.0285)5415.17320.0120 (0.0015 to 0.0226)
 Unilaterally3181.02120.0166 (0 to 0.0353)5352.56950.0142 (0.0018 to 0.0266)
 Bilaterally043.12110 (0 to 0)062.60370 (0 to 0)
 Overall1224.14240.0045 (0 to 0.0132)2415.17320.0048 (0 to 0.0115)
 Unilaterally1181.02120.0055 (0 to 0.0164)2352.56950.0057 (0 to 0.0135)
 Bilaterally043.12110 (0 to 0)062.60370 (0 to 0)
  • *Consisted of all enrolled patients who signed the informed consent, received at least one dose of study drug and had at least one postbaseline safety assessment. Lower limits less than 0 were set to 0.

  • AE, adverse event.