Table 3

Therapies with systemic immunosuppressive and biological agents and their alteration due to the COVID-19 pandemic

Total number of patients on systemic immunosuppression161 (91.5%)
Total number of patients on biological therapies25 (14.2%)
AgentNumber of patients receiving treatment (ongoing) (n=176)Number of patients in whom treatment was altered (mean reduction in dosage/day±SD)*Number of patients developing relapse†Mean time to develop relapse (weeks±SD)
Azathioprine6112 (50±21.3 mg)125.8±1.7
Methotrexate (oral)3410 (5.2±3.4 mg)47.2±2.2
Methotrexate (subcutaneous)374 (8.7±4.8 mg)‡49±3.4
Mycophenolate mofetil243 (666.7±288.7 mg)38.7±3.1
  • *Indicates the number of patients in whom the treatment with immunosuppressive/biological agents was altered during the course of the study.

  • †Indicates the number of patients with a relapse due to alteration in the dose of the corresponding immunosuppressive/biological agent.

  • ‡In one subject, treatment with subcutaneous methotrexate which was ongoing at a dose of 15 mg/week was stopped by the patient.