Table 5

Comparison of metastatic sites of uveal melanoma among various studies

StudyRajpal20COMS5Kath38Rietschel17Jochems39MeanOur study
Sample size3573924119175218.469
Lymph nodes14.3%11.0%4.2%1.7%16.0%9.4%13.0%
Subcutaneous tissue34.3%12.0%17.0%10.9%10.3%16.9%4.3%
Multiple sitesN/A43.0%54.2%10.9%5.7%28.4%23.2%
TestsN/ALFTs, CXR and autopsy studiesLFTs, CXR, abdominal USG, CT, MRI and autopsy studiesRadiographic imaging, blood testLactose dehydrogenase enzyme (LDH), Radiographic imagingN/AAbdominal USG, CT, MRI, and whole-body- PET or PET/CT
Median survival time in months (time of metastasis to death)2.2*<613.212.5One-year survival- 47.8%-†12
  • *For Rajpal20 median survival time of liver metastasis was mentioned as there was no mention of cumulative survival time and hepatic metastasis was most common.

  • †Mean was not calculated for median survival time.

  • CXR, chest X-ray; F/U, at follow-up; LFTS, liver function tests; PET, positron emission tomography; PET/CT, combination PET and CT analysis; USG, ultrasonography.