Table 3

Screening performance of EyeArt software compared with the final human grade in the worst eye for each centre and for all three centres combined

EyeART classification (row % within each centre)
Final human gradeNELGSSELCombined (row %)
Retinopathy grades
R0M04787 (68.1%)2244 (31.9%)4891 (71.2%)1976 (28.8%)4793 (64.6%)2621 (35.4%)14 471 (67.9%)6841 (32.1%)
R1M0184 (8.2%)2068 (91.8%)431 (16.3%)2214 (83.7%)133 (6.7%)1861 (93.3%)748 (10.9%)6143 (89.1%)
R1M14 (1.1%)364 (98.9%)8 (2.8%)279 (97.2%)5 (1.4%)341 (98.6%)17 (1.7%)984 (98.3%)
R20 (0%)127 (100%)0 (0%)50 (100%)0 (0%)113 (100%)0 (0%)290 (100%)
 R2M00 (0%)38 (100%)0 (0%)24 (100%)0 (0%)31 (100%)0 (0%)93 (100%)
 R2M10 (0%)89 (100%)0 (0%)26 (100%)0 (0%)82 (100%)0 (0%)197 (100%)
R30 (0%)57 (100%)0 (0%)49 (100%)0 (0%)66 (100%)0 (0%)172 (100%)
 R3M00 (0%)28 (100%)0 (0%)23 (100%)0 (0%)20 (100%)0 (0%)71 (100%)
 R3M10 (0%)29 (100%)0 (0%)26 (100%)0 (0%)46 (100%)0 (0%)101 (100%)
U29 (9.6%)273 (90.4%)22 (11.4%)171 (88.6%)27 (11.1%)217 (88.9%)78 (10.6%)661 (89.4%)
Total50045133535247394958521915 31415 091
  • Retinopathy grades: No retinopathy (R0); mild-to-moderate non-proliferative retinopathy (R1); non-referable maculopathy (M0); ungradable images (U); referable maculopathy (M1), moderate-to-severe non-proliferative retinopathy (R2) and proliferative retinopathy (R3).8 9

  • GS, Gloucestershire; NEL, North East London; SEL, South East London.