Table 2

Prevalence of retinopathy based on the final human grade in the worst eye for each centre and for all three centres combined

Final human retinopathy gradeNumber of episodes in each DESP (column %)
NELGSSELCombined (column %)
R0M07031 (69.4%)6867 (68.1%)7414 (72.9%)21 312 (70.1%)
R1M02252 (22.2%)2645 (26.2%)1994 (19.6%)6891 (22.7%)
R1M1368 (3.6%)287 (2.8%)346 (3.4%)1001 (3.3%)
R2127 (1.3%)50 (0.5%)113 (1.1%)290 (1%)
 R2M038 (0.4%)24 (0.2%)31 (0.3%)93 (0.3%)
 R2M189 (0.9%)26 (0.3%)82 (0.8%)197 (0.6%)
R357 (0.6%)49 (0.5%)66 (0.6%)172 (0.6%)
 R3M028 (0.3%)23 (0.2%)20 (0.2%)71 (0.2%)
 R3M129 (0.3%)26 (0.3%)46 (0.5%)101 (0.3%)
Ungradable302 (3%)193 (1.9%)244 (2.4%)739 (2.4%)
Total10 13710 09110 17730 405
  • Retinopathy grades: No retinopathy (R0); mild-to-moderate non-proliferative retinopathy (R1); non-referable maculopathy (M0); ungradable images (U); referable maculopathy (M1), moderate-to-severe non-proliferative retinopathy (R2) and proliferative retinopathy (R3).8 9

  • DESP, Diabetic Eye Screening Programme; GS, Gloucestershire; NEL, North East London; SEL, South East London.