Table 1

Baseline characteristics of the analysis sample with data on refractive error change in phakic eyes

n10 17552434932
 Sex (female)48.5%
 Age (years)53.5 (±10.5)53.7 (±10.6)53.2 (±10.4)
Ocular parameters (right eyes)
 Sphere (D)0 (−1.00; 1.00)0 (−1.00; 1.00)0 (−1.00; 1.00)
 Cylinder (D)−0.50 (−0.75; 0)−0.50 (−0.75; −0.25)−0.50 (−0.75; 0)
 Spherical equivalent (D)−0.12 (−1.25; 0.75)−0.12 (−1.25; 0.75)−0.12 (−1.12; 0.88)
 IOP (mm Hg)14.10 (±2.78)14.16 (±2.86)14.03 (±2.68)
Ocular parameters (left eyes)
 Sphere (D)0 (−1.00; 1.00)0 (−1.00; 1.00)0 (−1.00; 1.00)
 Cylinder (D)−0.50 (−0.75; 0)−0.50 (−0.75; 0)−0.25 (−0.75; 0)
 Spherical equivalent (D)−0.12 (−1.25; 0.75)−0.12 (−1.25; 0.75)0 (−1.25; 0.88)
 IOP (mm Hg)14.25 (±2.83)14.37 (±2.91)14.11 (±2.72)
Ocular diseases
 Cataract (slitlamp examination) OD25.2%24.8%25.5%
 Cataract (slitlamp examination) OS23.8%23.2%24.4%
Cardiovascular risk profile
 Former smoker34.9%40.2%29.2%
 Occasional smoker1.6%1.7%1.5%
 Obesity (yes)23.2%24.6%21.8%
 Diabetes (yes)6.9%8.6%5.0%
 Dyslipidaemia (yes)32.4%41.2%23.1%
 Hypertension (yes)46.3%51.9%40.3%
 Body mass index (kg/m2)26.4 (23.8; 29.7)27.1 (24.8; 29.9)25.4 (22.6; 29.2)
 Physical activity (minutes×intensity/week)7701.3 (±3909.0)7772.5 (±4231.5)7621.2 (±3510.1)
 Laboratory measures
 HbA1c (%)5.5 (5.2; 5.8)5.5 (5.2; 5.8)5.4 (5.2; 5.7)
 HDL-cholesterol (mg/dL)57.5 (±15.5)50.4 (±12.0)65.0 (±15.2)
 LDL-cholesterol (mg/dL)139.0 (±35.0)139.5 (±34.5)138.5 (±35.5)
 Triglycerides (mg/dL)103.0 (77.0; 144.0)116.0 (85.4; 162.0)93.0 (70.4; 124.0)
Secondary gerneral school (‘Hauptschule’)34.9%35.7%34.2%
 Intermediate school (‘Realschule’)23.6%18.0%29.6%
 High school (‘Abitur’)40.5%45.6%35.2%
 Housemaker, retried or none35.9%30.1%42.2%
 Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and horticulture2.0%2.9%1.0%
 Production and manufacturing8.7%14.5%2.5%
 Construction and architecture3.2%5.7%0.5%
 Natural and computer science4.6%7.3%1.8%
 Transport, logistics, security and military5.2%7.8%2.5%
 Commercial services and tourism6.3%5.6%7.0%
 Business organisation, accounting, law and administration18.9%15.9%22.1%
 Health and education12.2%7.2%17.6%
 Humanities, media and culture2.9%3.0%2.9%
  • Data from the German population-based Gutenberg Health Study (2007–2017). Analysis sample included 10 175 subjects (9978 right eyes and 9952 left eyes).

  • Mean±SD are shown for normally distributed parameters, and median and IQR are shown for not normally distributed parameters.

  • HbA1c, Glycated hemoglobine; HDL, High-density lipoprotein; IOP, intraocular pressure; LDL, Low-density lipoprotein; OD, Oculus dexter; OS, Oculus sinister.