Table 3

Demographic data of patients who underwent nasal transposition of the split lateral rectus muscle for strabismus from unilateral 3rd-nerve palsy dichotomised by whether they achieved binocular vision

DemographicPostoperative binocular fusionStatistical analysis (p value)
Absent (n=57)Present (n=30)Univariate analysisMultivariable logistic regression
Age at diagnosis in years (median, IQR)1.0 (0.0–29.25)36.5 (20.75–47.25)0.000.41
Time between diagnosis and surgery in years (median, IQR) 6.0 (2.0–18.40) 3.0 (2.0–6.0) 0.007 0.01
Prior strabismus surgery on the ipsilateral eye (n, %)14 (24.6)6 (20.0)0.63
3rd-nerve palsy aetiology (n, %)
 Congenital 29 (50.9) 2 (6.7) 0.003 0.02
 Neoplastic6 (10.5)7 (23.3)0.84
 Traumatic6 (10.5)7 (23.3)0.84
 Postneurosurgical4 (7.0)2 (6.7)0.49
 Ischaemic4 (7.0)1 (3.3)0.26
 Aneurysmal0 (0.0)3 (10.0)1.0
 Other/unclassified8 (14.0)8 (26.7)Ref cat
History of prior binocular fusion (n, %)8 (14.0)16 (53.3)<0.0010.87
Median preoperative exotropia (PD, IQR)65.0 (50.0–90.0)60.0 (46.25–87.50)0.41
Superior oblique muscle tenotomy (n, %)8 (14.0)8 (26.7)0.15
Adjustable suture technique (n, %)9 (15.8)7 (23.3)0.39
  • Bold values were statistically signficant by univariate and multivariable analysis.

  • N, number; PD, prism dioptres; Ref cat, reference category.