Table 1

The baseline data of silicone oil tamponaded eyes

CategoryEyes with ERM (n=79)Eyes without ERM (n=604)P value
Gender (%)0.041
 Male36 (46)327 (54)
 Female42 (54)277 (46)
Age (%)0.359
 I≤4012 (15)91 (15)
 II 41–5017 (22)111 (18)
 III 51–6032 (41)218 (36)
 IV 61–7013 (16)153 (26)
 V>705 (6)31 (5)
 Follow-up time (month, median ±IQR)12±6.312±5.80.998
SOTT (%)<0.001
 I (2–3)55 (70)341 (57)
 II (4–6)14 (18)195 (32)
 III (6–9)5 (6)32 (5)
 IV (9–12)1 (1)18 (3)
 V (>12)4 (5)18 (3)
Photocoagulation energy (mV, %)<0.001
 I (120–165)7 (9)94 (16)
 II (166–210)61 (77)420 (69)
 III (211–255)8 (10)78 (13)
 IV (256–300)3 (4)12 (2)
Photocoagulation points (NO, %)<0.001
 I (120–200)19 (24)115 (19)
 II (201–400)21 (27)149 (25)
 III (401–600)12 (15)82 (14)
 IV (601–800)11 (14)68 (11)
 V (>800)16 (20)190 (31)
Electric coagulation (%)0.001
 Yes23 (29)246 (40)
 No56 (71)358 (60)
Cryotherapy (%)0.156
 Yes13 (16)142 (24)
 No66 (84)462 (76)
Preoperative VH (%)<0.001
 Yes20 (25)164 (27)
 No59 (75)440 (73)
Postoperative VH (%)0.989
 Yes1 (1)6 (1)
 No78 (99)598 (99)
Type 2 diabetes (%)<0.001
17 (22)137 (23)
 No62 (78)467 (77)
Hypertension (%)0.016
 Yes22 (28)167 (28)
 No57 (72)437 (72)
Retinal aperture size (%)0.435
 H<252 (66)423 (70)
 2≤H<421 (27)127 (21)
 4≤H<66 (7)42 (7)
 H≥60 (0)12 (2)
Preoperative PVR (%)<0.001
 No30 (38)556 (92)
 PVR(A)0 (0)0 (0)
 PVR(B)1 (1)0 (0)
 PVR(C1)4 (5)3 (1)
 PVR(C2)16 (20)8 (1)
 PVR(C3)12 (15)17 (2)
 PVR(D1)10 (13)7 (1)
 PVR(D2)4 (5)10 (2)
 PVR(D3)2 (3)3 (1)
Preoperative CD (%)0.522
 Yes17 (22)30 (5)
 No62 (78)574 (95)
ERM diagnostic method (%)<0.001
 Intraoperative diagnosis47 (59)0 (0)
 Preoperative diagnosis32 (41)604 (100)
  • CD, choroidal detachment; ERM, epiretinal membrane; PVR, proliferative vitreoretinopathy; SOTT, silicone oil tamponade time; VH, vitreous haemorrhage.