Table 1

Baseline characteristics by delivery mode

CategoryF2F prepandemic n=42 972F2F pandemic n=27 356Asynchronous n=8878Synchronous
telephone n=1480
audiovisual n=5238
P value*
Sex n (%)
 Female23 430 (54.5)14 773 (54.0)4620 (52.0)845 (57.1)3068 (58.6)<0.001
Age median (IQR)
 Years54 (30)56 (30)57 (20)68 (19)39 (25)<0.001
Ethnicity n (%)
 Asian2389 (5.6)1208 (4.4)270 (3.0)58 (3.9)175 (3.3)<0.001
 Black1365 (3.2)546 (2.0)290 (3.3)23 (1.6)71 (1.4)
 Other8054 (18.7)5461 (20.0)743 (8.4)125 (8.5)1596 (30.5)
 White5835 (13.6)2613 (9.6)802 (9.0)66 (4.5)447 (8.5)
 Unknown25 329 (58.9)17 528 (64.1)6773 (76.3)1208 (81.6)2949 (56.3)
SES† median (IQR)
 Decile (1=most deprived)5 (4)5 (4)5 (4)5 (4)4 (3)<0.001
Broadband access‡ median (IQR)
 Index (1=most at risk of digital exclusion)3.40 (0.44)3.42 (0.47)3.41 (0.43)3.41 (0.45)3.42 (0.47)0.008
Interpreter n (%)
 Yes406 (0.9)214 (0.8)69 (0.8)14 (0.9)29 (0.6)0.007
Diabetes n (%)§
 Yes1824 (4.2)1454 (5.3)887 (10.0)17 (1.2)10 (0.2)<0.001
Time of appointmentn (%)
 Early morning20 115 (46.8)12 619 (46.1)3618 (40.8)396 (36.8)1815 (34.7)<0.001
 Late morning2872 (6.7)2426 (8.9)1354 (15.2)129 (8.7)679 (13.0)
 Early afternoon16 298 (37.9)9990 (36.5)2502 (28.2)644 (43.5)1589 (30.3)
 Late afternoon3687 (8.6)2321 (8.5)1404 (15.8)311 (21.0)1155 (22.1)
Sight-impaired n (%)
 Yes266 (0.6)189 (0.7)30 (0.3)<0.001
Previous cancellation n (%)
 No36 477 (84.9)22 744 (83.1)7228 (81.4)1138 (76.9)4675 (89.3)<0.001
 By hospital4650 (10.8)3482 (12.7)925 (10.4)275 (18.6)448 (8.6)
 By patient1845 (4.3)1130 (4.1)725 (8.2)67 (4.5)115 (2.2)
Specialty n (%)
 Adnexal3278 (7.6)2441 (8.9)**129 (8.7)1174 (22.4)<0.001
 Cataract7782 (18.1)6017 (22.0)**1171 (79.1)149 (2.8)
 General20 093 (46.8)11 025 (40.3)**180 (12.2)3915 (74.7)
 Glaucoma3883 (9.0)1955 (7.2)6138 (69.1)****
 Medical retina7936 (18.5)5918 (21.6)2740 (30.9)****
Attendance status n (%)
 Non-attendance3860 (9.0)2868 (10.5)1042 (11.7)145 (9.8)373 (7.1)<0.001
  • *P values derived from U-Statistic permutation test for categorical variables and Kruskal-Wallis test for continuous variables looking at differences between all groups. For individual pairwise comparisons, see online supplemental table 1.

  • †Missing values from 216 patients. A lower number equates to greater deprivation.

  • ‡Missing values from 216 patients. A lower number equates to a higher risk of digital exclusion.

  • §Footnote reminder here that medical retina is one of the two specialties that offered asynchronous care.

  • ¶Figures suppressed due to small number of patients.

  • **No or minimal appointments for these subspecialties in this mode of delivery.

  • F2F, face to face; SES, socioeconomic status.