Table 1

Baseline characteristics of participants in the Yangxi Eye Study

Baseline characteristicsParticipantsNon-participantsP value
Alive at follow-upDeceased at follow-up
No (%)3187 (64.4)1759 (30.2)879 (15.1)
Age (SD)*65.0 (9.0)64.5 (10.7)75.7 (9.6)<0.001
Age (years)
 50–59993 (31.2%)698 (39.7%)59 (6.7%)
 60–691224 (38.4%)524 (29.8%)168 (19.1%)
 70–79738 (23.2%)328 (18.6%)287 (32.7%)
 80+232 (7.3%)209 (11.9%)365 (41.5%)
BMI (SD)*22.44 (3.30)22.45 (3.20)21.23 (3.19)<0.001
PVA (SD), logMAR*0.41 (0.49)0.37 (0.46)0.69 (0.65)<0.001
BCVA (SD), logMAR*0.39 (0.57)0.39 (0.55)0.63 (0.70)<0.001
 Male1465 (46.0%)802 (45.6%)538 (61.2%)
 Female1722 (54.0%)957 (54.4%)341 (38.3%)<0.001
Any formal education*
 No1522 (47.8%)808 (45.9%)536 (60.9%)
 Yes1665 (52.2%)951 (54.1%)343 (39.1%)0.01
Diabetes present
 No2876 (91.0%)1570 (90.6%)748 (88.1%)
 Yes284 (9.0%)163 (9.4%)101 (11.9%)0.11
Hypertension present*
 No1750 (55.2%)944 (54.4%)312 (36.7%)
 Yes1420 (44.8%)791 (45.6%)537 (63.3%)<0.001
  • *p <0.05 (comparison of participants and non-participants).

  • BCVA, best-corrected visual acuity; BMI, body mass index; logMAR, logarithm with a minimum angle of resolution; PVA, present visual acuity.