Table 2

Sensitivity, specificity, cumulative specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, model accuracy and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve with 95% CI for DIGIROP-Birth and DIGIROP-Screen (Swedish Contemporary Validation Cohort 2018–2020)

SensitivitySpecificityCumulative specificityPositive predictive valueNegative predictive valueModel accuracyArea under the ROC curve
Model and time pointn/N*% (95% CI)% (95% CI)% (95% CI)% (95% CI)% (95% CI)% (95% CI)AUC (95% CI)
DIGIROP-Birth 55/57†‡96.5 (87.9 to 99.6)49.9 (46.7 to 53.0)49.9 (46.7 to 53.0)9.7 (7.4 to 12.4)99.6 (98.6 to 100.0)52.3 (49.3 to 55.3)0.93 (0.90 to 0.95)
DIGIROP-Screen PNA6w 55/57†‡96.5 (87.9 to 99.6)48.9 (45.8 to 52.0)50.0 (46.8 to 53.1)9.5 (7.2 to 12.2)99.6 (98.6 to 100.0)51.4 (48.4 to 54.4)0.93 (0.90 to 0.95)
DIGIROP-Screen PNA7w 55/57†‡96.5 (87.9 to 99.6)48.1 (45.0 to 51.2)50.9 (47.8 to 54.0)9.4 (7.1 to 12.0)99.6 (98.5 to 100.0)50.6 (47.6 to 53.7)0.93 (0.90 to 0.96)
DIGIROP-Screen PNA8w 54/56†‡96.4 (87.7 to 99.6)54.3 (51.2 to 57.4)57.4 (54.3 to 60.4)10.3 (7.9 to 13.3)99.6 (98.7 to 100.0)56.5 (53.5 to 59.5)0.93 (0.90 to 0.96)
DIGIROP-Screen PNA9w 52/54†‡96.3 (87.3 to 99.5)62.8 (59.8 to 65.8)66.0 (63.0 to 68.9)12.0 (9.1 to 15.4)99.7 (98.9 to 100.0)64.5 (61.6 to 67.4)0.94 (0.91 to 0.96)
DIGIROP-Screen PNA10w 51/52†98.1 (89.7 to 100.0)67.0 (64.1 to 69.9)70.2 (67.3 to 73.0)13.1 (9.9 to 16.9)99.9 (99.2 to 100.0)68.5 (65.7 to 71.3)0.94 (0.91 to 0.96)
DIGIROP-Screen PNA11w 40/43द93.0 (80.9 to 98.5)70.0 (67.1 to 72.8)72.8 (69.9 to 75.5)11.5 (8.4 to 15.4)99.6 (98.8 to 99.9)71.0 (68.1 to 73.7)0.94 (0.91 to 0.96)
DIGIROP-Screen PNA12w 29/31‡§93.5 (78.6 to 99.2)70.0 (67.1 to 72.8)72.8 (69.9 to 75.5)8.6 (5.9 to 12.2)99.7 (99.0 to 100.0)70.7 (67.9 to 73.5)0.94 (0.91 to 0.96)
DIGIROP-Screen PNA13w 24/25‡96.0 (79.6 to 99.9)77.0 (74.3 to 79.5)78.7 (76.1 to 81.2)9.2 (6.0 to 13.4)99.9 (99.3 to 100.0)77.4 (74.8 to 79.9)0.94 (0.92 to 0.96)
DIGIROP-Screen PNA14w 10/10100.0 (69.2 to 100.0)76.3 (73.6 to 78.9)78.7 (76.1 to 81.2)4.0 (1.9 to 7.1)100.0 (99.5 to 100.0)76.5 (73.8 to 79.1)0.97 (0.95 to 0.99)
  • *Infants are followed up until their first ROP treatment, why the number of patients at risk among those requiring treatment in the future (N) decreases along the screening.

  • †Severe medical condition (intraventricular haemorrhage, hydrocephalus), ROP treatment stage 3, zone II–III, pre-plus disease.

  • ‡Syndrome (Beckwith-Wiedemann), ROP treatment zone II–III, plus disease right eye, pre-plus disease left eye.

  • §Severe medical condition (necrotising enterocolitis, small for gestational age, bronchopulmonary dysplasia), incomplete examinations (hazy eyes), ROP treatment stage 3, zone II–III, pre-plus disease.

  • ¶Severe medical condition (small for gestational age, iatrogen chylothorax), incomplete (hazy eyes) and missed examinations, ROP treatment stage 3 zone II, plus disease.

  • AUC, area under the curve; PNA, postnatal age; ROC, receiver operating characteristic; w, weeks.