Table 1

Prevalence (persons) of any visually significant (VS) cataract*, any prior cataract surgery† and total prevalence‡, by age and gender, in Theni population (n=7127)

Sample sizeSample size with complete data§Prevalence of any VS cataractPrevalence of any prior cataract surgeryTotal prevalence
Age, yearsn persons% (95% CI)n persons% (95% CI)n persons% (95% CI)
40–4926022601722.8 (2.1 to 3.4)813.1 (2.4 to 3.8)1335.1 (4.3 to 6.0)
50–591999198520510.3 (9.0 to 11.7)22911.5 (10.1 to 12.9)38419.3 (17.6 to 21.1)
60–691584157134321.8 (19.8 to 23.9)45328.8 (26.6 to 31.1)70544.9 (42.4 to 47.3)
70–7975574623731.8 (28.4 to 35.1)38751.9 (48.3 to 55.5)57577.1 (74.1 to 80.1)
≥801871846635.9 (28.9 to 42.8)11260.9 (53.8 to 67.9)16087.0 (82.1 to 91.8)
Male3004298936612.2 (11.1 to 13.4)50116.8 (15.4 to 18.1)76825.7 (24.1 to 27.3)
Female4123409855713.6 (12.5 to 14.6)76118.6 (17.4 to 19.8)118929.0 (27.6 to 30.4)
Total7127708792313.0 (12.2 to 13.8)126217.8 (16.9 to 18.7)195727.6 (26.6 to 28.7)
  • *VS cataract in an eye is defined as any of the following diagnoses—cataract or lens changes, early cataract, immature cataract, mature cataract, nuclear or brown cataract, traumatic cataract and hypermature or Morgagnian cataract— and best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA)<6/12 in that eye.

  • †Any prior cataract surgery is defined as any of the following diagnoses: aphakia, pseudophakia.

  • ‡Total prevalence (persons) is defined as the unique number of persons with either a present VS cataract or previously operated cataract in either eye. Example calculation for the total sample is as follows. Total prevalence (persons)=[VS cataract in LE (641)+VS cataract in RE (654)+Previously operated cataract in LE (1008)+Previously operated cataract in RE (1087)]−[VS cataract in both eyes (372)+Previously operated cataract in both eyes (833)+VS cataract in LE and previously operated cataract in RE (135)+Previously operated cataract in LE and VS cataract in RE (93)]=1957.

  • §BCVA measurements were missing in at least one eye for 40 participants.

  • BCVA, best corrected visual acuity; LE, left eye; RE, right eye.