Table 2

Presenting visual acuity in better eye in patients with any visually significant cataract, by age and gender, in Theni population (n=923)*

Age, yearsSample sizeSample size with complete dataPresenting visual acuity in better eye % (n)
No VIMild VIModerate VISevere VIBlindness
≥6/12≥6/18 to <6/12≥6/60 to <6/18≥3/60 to <6/60<3/60
40–49260226011.23 (32)0.27 (7)1.11 (29)0.08 (2)0.08 (2)
50–59199919832.77 (55)1.51 (30)5.65 (112)0.20 (4)0.10 (2)
60–69158415695.10 (80)2.55 (40)13.26 (208)0.32 (5)0.51 (8)
70–797557444.44 (33)3.36 (25)21.64 (161)1.08 (8)1.08 (8)
80 and over1871848.15 (15)2.72 (5)21.74 (40)1.09 (2)2.17 (4)
Male300429813.52 (105)1.44 (43)6.81 (203)0.20 (6)0.23 (7)
Female412340942.69 (110)1.56 (64)8.48 (347)0.37 (15)0.42 (17)
Total712770753.04 (215)1.51 (107)7.77 (550)0.30 (21)0.34 (24)
  • *Of the 923 participants, 6 had missing data on PVABE. Therefore, the number of participants in parentheses in the last row of the table sums to 917.

  • PVABE, presenting visual acuity in the better eye; VI, visual impairment.