Table 1

Systemic and ophthalmological parameters of children with low myopia

VariablesTotal (N=1127)Boys (n=542)Girls (n=585)P value*
Systemic parameters
Age, years10.29±0.6010.30±0.6010.27±0.600.514
Height, cm143.23±7.42142.79±6.96143.64±7.800.053
Weight, kg38.90±9.5039.84±9.7138.04±9.22 0.001
Body mass index, kg/cm²18.77±3.4019.36±3.6018.24±3.12 <0.001
Ophthalmological parameters
Spherical equivalent, dioptre−1.44±0.69−1.44±0.69−1.44±0.690.997
Axial length, mm24.17±0.7424.45±0.7223.91±0.65 <0.001
Corneal radius of curvature, mm7.82±0.257.88±0.257.76±0.23 <0.001
Axial length/corneal radius of curvature3.09±0.073.10±0.073.08±0.07 <0.001
Macular choroidal thickness, μm214.36±42.08212.66±42.47215.95±41.680.192
Macular retinal thickness, μm276.24±11.40277.10±11.31275.45±11.44 0.016
Subfoveal choroidal thickness, μm227.89±52.41225.84±53.27229.80±51.56 <0.001
Foveal retinal thickness, μm231.41±16.49233.94±16.24229.06±16.380.206
Fundus tessellation, n (%)
Grade 0536 (47.6)245 (49.7)291 (45.2)0.48
Grade 1428 (38.0)213 (36.8)215 (39.3)
Grade 2128 (11.4)66 (10.6)62 (12.2)
Grade 335 (3.1)18 (2.9)17 (3.3)
  • P values < 0.05 were in bold.

  • *T-test or χ2 test to compare systemic or ophthalmological parameters between boys and girls.