Table 5

Mean difference in global, annular and all region of interest PPCMv values between the three groups

PPCMvMean difference95% CIP value
Inner annulus
 POAG−16.5−20.1 to −13.0<0.001
 APAC−12.9−15.9 to −9.9<0.001
 APAC vs POAG3.6−0.0 to 7.30.052
Inner hemisuperior
 POAG−19.4−23.4 to −15.4<0.001
 APAC−13.5−16.8 to −10.2<0.001
 APAC versus POAG5.91.9 to 9.90.004
Inner hemi-inferior
 POAG−14.1−18.4 to −9.8<0.001
 APAC−12.4−16.0 to −8.7<0.001
 APAC versus POAG1.7−2.7 to 6.20.445
Outer annulus
 POAG−12.5−15.4 to −9.5<0.001
 APAC−8.9−11.4 to −6.4<0.001
 APAC versus POAG3.60.6 to 6.50.018
Outer hemi-superior
 POAG−14.4−17.6 to −11.1<0.001
 APAC−10.0−12.8 to −7.3<0.001
 APAC versus POAG4.41.0 to 7.70.010
Outer hemi-inferior
 POAG−10.9−14.2 to −7.7<0.001
 APAC−8.0−10.7 to −5.2<0.001
 APAC versus POAG3.0−0.3 to 6.30.078
  • Analysed by the marginal model of a generalised estimating equation adjusted for age, sex, axial length, VF MD, and circumpapillary retinal nerve fibre layer thickness.

  • APAC, acute primary angle closure; MD, mean deviation; POAG, primary open-angle glaucoma; PPCMv, parapapillary choroidal microvasculature; VF, visual field.