Table 15 The following table summarises some of the questionnaires used for glaucoma patients. In this context, although the assessment of QoL is welcome in a glaucoma surgical trial, its presence in the COS is considered optional. Examples of instruments used for these assessments include the NEI-VFQ-25 and/or the 15-D, EQ-5D, and SF6D questionnaires.
Patient-Related Outcome Measures (PROM) instrumentsNumber of Domains- ItemsDomains-ItemsComments
Generic instrumentsEuroQOL’s 5 dimensions 5 levels (EQ-5D-5L)5 domains/5 levels of responses
  • Mobility

  • Self-care

  • Usual activities

  • Pain/discomfort

  • Anxiety/Depression

  • Assessment of QALYs/Cost-utility & Cost-effectiveness analyses

  • 3,125 possible health states

Health Utility Index mark 3 (HUI-3)8 domains/6 levels of responses
  • Vision

  • Hearing

  • Speech

  • Ambulation

  • Dexterity

  • Emotion

  • Cognition

  • Pain

  • Assessment of QALYs/Cost- utility & Cost- effectiveness analyses

  • 972,000 possible health states

Short Form- 6 dimensions (SF-6D)6 domains/4 to 6 levels of responses
  • Physical function

  • Role limitation

  • Social function

  • Body pain

  • Mental Health

  • Vitality

  • Assessment of QALYs/Cost- utility & Cost- effectiveness analyses

  • 18,000 possible health states

Vision-related instrumentsNational Eye Institute visual functionning questionnaire (NEI-VFQ-25)25 questions/12 subscales items12 subscales items:
General Health/General vision/ Near vision/Distance vision/Driving/Peripheral vision/Colour vision/Ocular pain/Vision specific (Role limitation, dependency, social function, mental health, expectations for future vision)
  • Provides information about general consequences of visual impairment

Impact of Vision Impairment (IVI)28 items/3 subscales items3 subscales items: Reading and accessing information/Mobility and Independence/Emotional Wellbeing
Glaucoma- related instrumentsTreatment Satisfaction Survey Intraocular Pressure (TSS-IOP)5 itemsEffectiveness/side effects/eye appearance/convenience of use/ease of administration
  • Items more specific to medical treatment

Glaucoma Symptom Scale (GSS)10 itemsBurning/tearing/dryness/itching/ soreness/blurry/feeling of something in the eye/hard to see in day light/hard to see in dark places/ halos around lights
  • Items more specific to medical treatment

Glaucoma Quality of Life-36 (Glau- Qol 36)36 items grouped into 7 subscalesPsychological wellbeing (6 items)/Self-image (5 items)/Daily life (9 items)/ Burden of treatment (5 items)/Driving (3 items)/Anxiety (4 items)/Confidence in health care (4 items)
Glaucoma Quality of Life-15 (GQL-15)15 vision-related items grouped into 4 subscalesCentral and near vision (2 items)/ peripheral vision (6 items)/Dark adaptation and glare (6 items)/ outdoor mobility (1 item)
Glaucoma Activity Limitation 9 (GAL-9)9 itemsWalking after dark/seeing at night/walking on uneven ground/ adjusting to dim lights/going from light to dark room and vice-versa/ seeing object coming from the side/ walking on steps, stairs/judging distance of foot to step-curb/ finding dropped objects.