Table 1

Baseline demographics

CharacteristicControl n=137MissingAdjunct n=143MissingTotal n=280Missing
 Male123 (90%)0123 (86%)0246 (88%)0
 White113 (82%)0120 (84%)0233 (83%)0
 Black11 (8%)9 (6%)20 (7%)
 Asian7 (5%)11 (8%)18 (6%)
 Other3 (2%)3 (2%)6 (2%)
 Mixed3 (2%)03 (1%)
Current smoker55 (41%)451 (36%)3106 (39%)7
Eye injured
 Right67 (49%)070 (49%)0137 (49%)0
 Left66 (48%)72 (50%)138 (49%)
 Both4 (3%)1 (1%)5 (2%)
Glaucoma2 (1%)12 (1%)04 (1%)1
Previous eye surgery67 (49%)082 (57%)0149 (53%)0
Macular disease011 (1%)01 (<1%)1
Mechanism of injury
 Workplace incident40 (29%)048 (34%)088 (32%)0
 Road traffic accident5 (4%)6 (4%)11 (4%)
 Interpersonal violence33 (24%)33 (23%)66 (24%)
 Sports injury5 (4%)5 (3%)10 (4%)
 Other Injury16 (12%)21 (15%)37 (13%)
 Other domestic11 (8%)10 (7%)21 (8%)
 Domestic gardening5 (4%)3 (2%)8 (3%)
 Domestic DIY10 (7%)3 (2%)13 (5%)
 Iatrogenic03 (2%)3 (1%)
 Fall12 (9%)11 (8%)23 (8%)
Previous primary repair95 (69%)0110 (77%)1205 (73%)1
Time since primary repair (days)
 Median (IQR)28 (12–151)26 (11–108)27 (12–119)
Classification of Injury
 Rupture53 (39%)060 (42%)0113 (40%)0
 Penetrating51 (37%)52 (36%)103 (37%)
 Perforating4 (3%)7 (5%)11 (4%)
 IOFB29 (21%)24 (17%)53 (19%)
Extent of injury
 Zone 1 (cornea)51 (38%)244 (31%)195 (34%)3
 Zone 2 (limbus to muscle insertion)56 (41%)54 (38%)110 (40%)
 Zone 3 (posterior to muscle insertion)28 (21%)44 (31%)72 (26%)
 Present17 (13%)226 (18%)043 (15%)2
 Not documented69 (51%)71 (50%)140 (50%)
Visual axis corneal scar32 (23%)040 (28%)072 (26%)0
Uveitis26 (19%)026 (18%)052 (19%)0
 Absent96 (70%)090 (63%)0186 (66%)0
 <50%24 (18%)26 (18%)50 (18%)
 >50%17 (12%)27 (19%)44 (16%)
 Normal52 (39%)259 (42%)2111 (40%)4
 Incomplete63 (47%)72 (51%)135 (49%)
 Incarcerated20 (15%)10 (7%)30 (11%)
 Clear37 (27%)133 (24%)270 (25%)3
 Cataract46 (34%)50 (36%)96 (35%)
 ACIOL02 (1%)2 (1%)
 PCIOL12 (9%)8 (6%)20 (7%)
 Aphakic41 (30%)48 (34%)89 (32%)
Vitreous haemorrhage85 (63%)297 (69%)2182 (66%)4
Endophthalmitis2 (1%)13 (2%)05 (2%)1
Retinal detachment
 TRD17 (12%)021 (15%)038 (14%)0
 RRD49 (36%)56 (39%)105 (38%)
 Absent71 (52%)66 (46%)137 (49%)
Fovea involved? (TRD and RRD only)
 Yes41 (62%)044 (57%)085 (59%)0
 Splitting01 (1%)1 (1%)
 No25 (38%)32 (42%)57 (40%)
 None101 (74%)0118 (83%)0219 (78%)0
 Intravitreal13 (9%)18 (13%)31 (11%)
 Intraretinal19 (14%)7 (5%)26 (9%)
 Intrascleral4 (3%)04 (1%)
Presence of retinal incarceration25 (18%)038 (27%)063 (23%)0
Presence of PVR C29 (21%)038 (27%)167 (24%)1
Age (years)
 Mean (SD)42.7 (15.3)046.8 (17.3)044.8 (16.5)0
ETDRS VA in study eye (total score)
 Mean, SD16.6 (30.5)010.4 (23.6)013.4 (27.3)0
 Median, IQR0.0 (0.0–11.0)0.0 (0.0–0.0)0.0 (0.0–1.0)
 Zero/very low98 (72%)111 (78%)209 (75%)
 >039 (28%)32 (22%)71 (25%)
Where zero/very low, vision:
 Counting finger10 (10%)9 (8%)19 (9%)
 Hand movement60 (61%)54 (49%)114 (55%)
 Perception light26 (27%)45 (41%)71 (34%)
 No perception light2 (2%)3 (3%)5 (2%)
Where ETDRS VA>0
 Mean, SD58.3 (28.9)46.6 (28.4)53.0 (29.1)
 Median, IQR64.0 (45.0–83.0)48.0 (21.0–66.0)58.0 (24.0–80.0)
IOP in study eye
 Mean (SD)12.4 (7.4)1411.7 (6.4)1212.0 (6.9)26
 Low92 (75%)103 (79%)195 (77%)
 Normal21 (17%)18 (14%)39 (15%)
 High10 (8%)10 (8%)20 (8%)
  • ACIOL, anterior chamber intraocular lens; ETDRS, Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study; IOFB, intraocular foreign body; IOP, intraocular pressure; PCIOL, posterior chamber intraocular lens; PVR, proliferative vitreoretinopathy; RAPD, relative afferent pupillary defect; RRD, rhegmatogenous retinal detachment; TRD, tractional retinal detachment; VA, visual acuity.