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Morphological changes in the human conjunctival epithelium. I. In the normal elderly population.
  1. L. M. Abdel-Khalek,
  2. J. Williamson and
  3. W. R. Lee


    Forty-nine biopsies of bulbar conjunctiva from patients with no apparent conjunctival disease were studied by light and transmission electron microscopy. No significant morphological changes were recorded in those specimens from patients less than 79 years old. However, in the older age group the epithelium showed irregularities in thickness, a reduction in the goblet cell population, and in 25% the presence of 'hyaline bodies'. The epithelial irregularities consisted of mild superficial stratification, which was observed also in a few of the specimens from the younger age groups. The goblet cells appeared morphologically normal in all age groups. The significance of the hyaline bodies and their possible relationship to goblet cells is discussed.

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